Mid-Week Check In

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

It depends upon which time of day you ask me, of course, but this homeschooling gig is going well. I can say that in the evening after little bodies are winding down and getting ready to be tucked in tight. I can also say that in the mornings as I'm sitting alone drinking my coffee in peace and remembering all the mornings I physically pulled four children from their slumber before the sun even woke up to coax the older two into the building with my sanity only barely in tact. Mornings were hard. I really wanted to change that. We've fallen into a rhythm of doing "school" around 9am. If the kids wake up one by one and filter slowly in, we'll fill that time before nine with books or conversations or one on one language arts time.
It has been good. I find myself aching and tired by the end of the day, but in a good way, as if I've accomplished a big athletic feat and I've done it well. The chaos of the day falls away and I am able to somehow focus on the parts of the day that felt right- the slow mornings of togetherness, the time my deaf child surprised me with what he knew, the moment that excited my seven year old, or the joyful, creative play of all the others. Yes, tonight it feels like this is doable. 

Spanish Lessons

I know we'll have our days. There have been so many moments that I've thought to myself, "What are you doing? This isn't going to work." But the other minutes of the day are feeling like we're right where we belong, walking in what God has in store for us. Yes, this is good.

But just for the sake of keeping it real, I'll take you back to this not-so-picture perfect scene from today...

We had ventured outside for a nature study. We're doing an experiment that I'll share with you later on this week. Anyway, I walked back into the house to locate some shoes for all those little feet. Typically, my kids are barefoot, but chestnut season is upon us and we've all learned the hard way that walking around on a chestnut farm without shoes is not the best idea. I walked in and immediately was flabbergasted...

WHY would anyone pee in the kitchen floor?

My brain was only computing that there was a yellow substance near the refrigerator and I immediately and begrudgingly began cleaning this up because if I'm honest, I've seen urine and feces in much stranger locations. Finally, something clicked that it didn't smell like what I thought it to be. I opened the doors of the ice box to find an entire gallon of orange juice leaking out. Some small child, God love him, had helped himself to preparing lunch and a tasty drink.

How can I be frustrated with that? 

Autonomy lesson also complete.
I think I'll add that to my lesson plan in retrospect.

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